
ALC Powers the Lanyi, Taiwan Airport.

The Lanyu Airport continues to upgrade and recently chose ALC high efficiency, .99 percent power factor Ferroresonant constant current regulators (CCR) to re-power their vault.  Through the efforts of our distributor in Taiwan, twenty (20) ALC CCR’s were purchased and will be installed as part of the airport’s modernization program. These CCR’s provide the required airfield power upgrade and lay the foundation for improved reliability and control of all series circuits. These CCR’s will also easily integrate with future upgrades of the airfield lighting computer control system and the conversion to LED lighting.  This order is an example of ALC’s expanding global sales to meet the demands of airports worldwide for airfield lighting, power systems, signage and navigational aids.

airport lighting equipment


利用精确进场照明系统 (PALS) 加强安全着陆

现代航空基础设施需要最新的技术创新,以确保飞机的安全起飞、滑行和着陆,尤其是在恶劣天气条件、能见度低和地形复杂的情况下。 精密进近照明系统(PALS)就是机场安全不可或缺的工具之一。





致电 315-682-6460

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